June 2024 - A Year in Review
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Welcome Note
June marks the end of our program year, and we are excited to say that July 1 starts our next program year! Next year, our Fair Housing project will operate two grants. An Education & Outreach Initiative (EOI) and a Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) grant. Combined, these two grants will allow us to continue and improve upon our previous efforts of providing 15 counties in north-central Florida with Fair Housing resources and services. And, our efforts are always a reflection of our partnerships and collaborative efforts with so many other advocacy groups and organizations. We cannot do our work without you, so please know how truly grateful we are for all the opportunities we get to work together!!
What a Year!
Did You Know That This Year…
We distributed 19,736 brochures and materials throughout north-central Florida.
We attended over 25 community resource fairs and events, where we connected with over 3,000 attendees and volunteers.
We conducted 58 presentations and workshops to a total of 1,598 attendees, in both English and Spanish, including presentations to housing providers, advocacy groups, organization staff members, new home buyers, and community members.
We participated in 4 large media activities including radio show, web tv, and magazine interviews reaching over 50,000 people.
We fielded nearly 100 Fair Housing inquiries and intakes directly with individuals seeking Fair Housing consultation.
We provided direct Fair Housing representation to over 20 individuals and filed or referred 17 Fair Housing Complaints to HUD.
We conducted 180 Fair Housing tests to discover and investigate how and where housing providers may be violating rules and protections of the Fair Housing Act.
We conducted 2 Systemic Investigations, one of which included a unique partnership with Seattle University Law School, where students conducted research on Environmental Racism and Discrimination in Florida communities.
So What Does It All Mean?
Our reach is wide and the depth of our work is more than just a fingerprint. However, we know that our work and outreach is like a funnel. We engaged with thousands of people throughout the year, which narrows down to roughly 100 direct inquiries and 20 opportunities for direct representation.
In order to have the most effective impact on eliminating fair housing violations and discrimination, we need to continue to depend on our partners for helping us get the word out.
What Can We Do?
Send us referrals.
Share your stories.
Invite us to deliver a presentation.
Share our brochures with your clients and communities.
Community Outreach
Upcoming Outreach Events
June 4 - Apartment Association of Orlando - Orange County
July 12 - Flagler OARS/WARM Presentation/Discussion
July 14-16 - NFHA 2024 Conference
July 31 - Flagler Cares Help Night - Palm Coast
What We’ve Been Up To
Mock Trial
In Spring 2022, we partnered Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida and the Apartment Association of Greater Orlando and designed and performed a mock trial using law students from the University of Florida and Barry Law School. Earlier this month, we all got back together again and had a viewing of the Mock Trial video and delivered a presentation of best practices and strategies regarding Fair Housing violations and litigation.
Social Innovation Summit 2024
Our Outreach Coordinator, Pia Molina, attended this social impact conference to learn more about the different kinds of outreach efforts available to nonprofits and philanthropic efforts. This was a great opportunity to learn about methods and ideas for outreach that think outside the box.
Juneteenth Ocala Celebration - To celebrate Juneteenth, we tabled at the annual celebration in Ocala. It was a hot and humid Florida day but the music and entertainment kept the day going!
Entryway Training in Orange County - Pia presented to Entryway, a nationwide nonprofit that provides career training, employment, and housing for situationally homeless individuals. The presentation was focused on Fair Housing Basics, Disability Accommodations and Modifications, and Disparate Impact for maintenance staff in training. The group had great questions and scenarios specific to their situations which always helps us further understand Fair Housing.
Daytona College Annual Community Event
What a fun day of outreach, as Daytona College not only hosted several organizations, but offered free haircuts, massages, and food!! Thank you for letting us be a part of your efforts!
Social Equity Leadership Conference 2024
This conference was such an eye opener to all the data and research that exposes just how far we still need to go as a society, culture, and government when it comes to giving all people equal access and voice in the administration and implementation of programs and access to resources. A great way to step away for a few days and reimagine some of our own efforts.
Pierson Food Drive
Thank you Flagler Beach Rotary Club for another big food drive. We assisted with serving over 400 families with food and grocery items in West Volusia County. Each month, the Rotaries and so many other volunteers join in on the efforts. Nor rain, nor sleet, nor HEAT!!! ever stops them!
The federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) protects you from discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status. This applies to renting, buying, mortgages, appraisals, insurance, and looking for a place to live.
407-801- 4224
850-680-1729 (Spanish)
The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a grant with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Government.